Academy West

FAQ: What can my child do at home?

Working on strength and flexibility such as push ups, sit ups, handstands against a wall (with mom’s permission), and splits would be beneficial. Don’t let your students work on tricks on the grass or trampoline. Save this for their class with their coach.


Ballet introduces the fundamentals of classical ballet technique. Each class focuses on proper posture, body positions, and alignment while also building on ballet vocabulary. Classes include barre work, balance, hopping, skipping, jumping, galloping (basic locomotor movements), age appropriate stretches, basic positions of the arms and feet, and ballet class etiquette are part of the curriculum.

Team Building

Like all team sports, cheerleading offers more than physical benefits. Sports can help teach kids essential life skills, including teamwork, discipline, and communication. Squad members must rely on each other for the effectiveness of routines, as well as ensuring each other’s safety during difficult moves. If competition against other squads is involved, it becomes even more important to work together as a unified front.

Happy Easter!

We hope you had fun at last nights Easter Egg Hunt/Party!
We know we did!

If it was your first time at Academy West, sign up for more fun with one of our many classes!

At Academy West we have so much fun!

Call us or stop by for more information!

Hip Hop

These classes teach the fundamentals of hip hop movement. They are upbeat and high energy. Classes include stretching, isolations, rhythms, musicality, upper body strength and funky footwork, along with b-boy (floor stunts), tutting (hand & arm movements), popping, locking, and choreography.